Friday, October 8, 2010

Silk Screen

It seems my picture won't upload for silk screen too... oh well. In my picture, I have put three photos of me in my school uniform and I used three primary colours, red, yellow and, blue. I have also cropped it to a better size so you can see my beautiful face even more. I used primary colours because I wanted my colours to be basic. I put three other colours, they are  secondary colours. I used for shading in where the shadows are in my three pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Wisley, I think your use of primary colours is very effective and I like the dark bars above and below to balance the layout. The analogous pair of colours on the left face works very well, but the middle face the red seem too intense for the orange it is paired with. The right face has even more disjointed colours. If you had continued the use of analogous pairs of similar value it would have been much more effective.

    Your cropping is good but it is slightly different in each image, which is distracting. YOu can see the difference at the shirt collar.

    Keep up the good effort.
