Friday, October 22, 2010


 In my picture, I have put a landscape that looks so fresh and looks like that no man has ever stepped on this undisturbed land. In the sky I have put hands holding a clock and what I want it to represents is that those are Gods hands.I have also put a castle in the sky, a ship sailing the above and, street lamps lighting the sky as stars. on the grass, I have put an egg that is broken, the yolk is a clock, behind it is a colossus just looking at it. the reason why you can see though Gods hands and the clock on the yolk is because I turned it into a overlay

1 comment:

  1. Wisley, I love the vibrance of your colour palette. did you notice that 1/2 is blue. 1/3 is orange and 1/3 is green? You used the rule of thirds without even realizing it. Good job making the egg look like it is in the grass. The floating hunks of land with the lamp posts are very intriguing. I wonder if the egg and Colossus should be smaller as them seem to dominate the image.
