Wednesday, September 8, 2010

About Me

My name is Wisley (Li for short) and I am sixteen years old.I have a brother and sister, one of each, my sister's name is Jeline and my brother's name is Wiljoe. I am the the youngest of the three and my sister is the oldest. my family has an creative abilities to draw and make things. although I also have an creative ability, I use mine just to draw cartoon characters. when I get older I want to be an Cartoon artist. I have joined a media arts course and I hope to gain more knowledge how to animate on the computer.

what I thought about " the digital artwork of Josh Sommers " was simply amazing because the way how he puts fingers coming  out of the eye looks really convincing and beyond reality and his other work is also amazing. I was surprised what you can do with a picture on a computer and playing around with it.

I have read the studio rules and I am able to comply with the following rules in the STUDIO RULES.

"No  great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist."

Oscar Wilde

what I think what it means to me is that an artist made the "perfect picture" they would no longer be an artist because they would make no more pictures

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